3 Sets of Cards - Analogies, Compare & Contrast, Predicting Like New


These sets are from the Speech Corner Company.. They sell new for $18.99each & are stored in a nice tin . These are double dice add-ons but you can easily play with spinner or die. There are 54 real-life photo 3x5 cards with 4 questions on each card.

  1. Analogies help students learn how to sharpens their verbal reasoning skills as they determine how items and concepts are related to each other. Students fill in the missing word to the analogy. The analogies targeted in this deck are: Categories include: function, group, part/whole, place, opposites, synonyms.

  2. Predicting cards help students relate to their own experiences as well as to increase their knowledge of others’ thoughts and experiences in order to make logical predictions.

  3. Compare & Contrast cards provides practice in identifying similarities and differences between specific objects. Working on these skills also boosts critical thinking and categorization skills.


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